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Discount Flat Fee MLS Services

Six Reasons Why You Need a Home Warranty

  1. Improve Your Home's Overall Appeal. 

    The added value of the HMS Home Warranty will help your home sell faster. Up to 50% faster than without a home warranty.
    (National Home Warranty Association)

  2. Makes Your Home More Attractive To Buyers

    Eight out of ten buyers would prefer to buy a home with a home warranty.
    (Gallup Poll)

  3. Increases The Chances Of a Higher Selling Price

    Up to 3% more, on average, by making it a safer investment for the buyer.
    (Business Week)

  4. Protects You Against Costly Repairs On Covered Components

    while your home is listed for sale (subject to a deductible per trade call).

  5. Reduces The Chances Of a Delayed Closing

    due to a conflict over a malfunctioning covered component.

  6. Helps Protect Your Sale Proceeds

    by reducing the chance that you'll be asked to reimburse the buyer for a breakdown of a covered component.

*Heating and air conditioning coverage i is included for the home buyer.