Full Service Plan
List in the MLS MLS LISTING: Full Service: $399.

Full service includes offer review, counter offer, negotiations, all paperwork, scheduling and coordination of the offer and close. The is for full service is $995.The fee is only paid at close when successful.

Your property listed in the Realtors Multiple Listing Service, (MLS) for six months. The same MLS a local broker would use. You'll receive a copy of the listing. more info...
Price your home correctlyCMA: "CMA" is the acronym for Competitive Marketing Analysis.

You'll receive a complete CMA to help you price your home correctly.

A photo is worth one thousand wordsPHOTOS: You get twenty-five photos on the MLS and Realtor.com.
A recent study shows that a home with multiple photos gets six times more interest than listings with out photos.

A recent study shows that a home with multiple photos gets six times more interest than listings with out photos.

Realtor.comREALTOR.COM: Your listing will also be on Realtor.com and many other Internet sites. A recent study by the National Association of Realtors found that 85% of home buyers search for a home on the Internet first.

Your home may also be listed on:
and many more.

A professional Yard SignYARD SIGN: Fifteen percent of home buyers found their home through a real estate yard sign, according to a survey by the National Association of Realtors.
Flyer box Open House : Invite everyone to visit your home. Selling your home is a numbers game, the more people who see it the greater the opportunity to sell it. Fifty five percent of home buyers search for Open Houses on the Internet.
Get all of the documents, forms and disclosures Required Disclosures : You'll receive all of the required documents and forms that are needed to sell your property, including a purchase agreement form.

Make your own FlyersBROKER MARKETING & CLOSING SUPPORT: You can call or email Your Broker with any of your questions and get a response with 24 hours. You get full support FROM OFFER THRU CLOSING. You get the same service a traditional agent would charge you 3% for $995.00

guarantee GUARANTEE: If you do not sell your property with our Flat Fee MLS listing program we'll help you select a local agent who will provide a traditional relationship and give you back what you paid. more info...